Результаты поиска

Number of Days in a Year Calculator
Determine the number of days in a given year, taking into account leap years.
Total time calculator
This calculator is useful for fast time addition, you just enter time entries in hh mm ss format and the calculator gives you the sum of there time entries
Day of the week for a given date
This online calculator shows the day of the week for a given date
How many days are there between two dates?
This day calculator counts the number of days between two dates. It does not include the last day, so, there is 1 day between today and tomorrow, not 2.
Sunrise and sunset calculator
Sunrise/Sunset calculation for given latitude and longitude or for given city. Source: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval ObservatoryWashington, DC 20392
Azimuth and solar elevation angle
Calculation of azimuth and solar elevation angle by given the coordinates and time of observation. It's possible to input coordinates manually or by selecting from the directory of cities.
Date plus days
This online calculator adds or subtracts a given number of days to or from a given date.
City Timezone Converter
This calculator allows you to quickly and easily find out the current time in any city in the world and the time difference between two cities.
Julian days calculation
Calculation of the Julian day for a given date, plus some information.
Julian and Gregorian calendars
Julian and Gregorian calendars date conversion
Old Russian (Byzantine) system of chronology
Old Russian calendar - Years are counted since the creation of the world
Moon's age and phase calculation
The Muslim calendar. The Gregorian calendar conversion
The Muslim calendar. The Gregorian calendar conversion
Mayan calendar, 2012, the end of the world.
About 2012, the end of the world and Maya
Russian non-working days
The calculator displays official day offs for the current year and the weekends adjacent to them. The calculator takes into account weekends shifts according to Russian Federation Government Decrees.
Activity Time Summarizer
This calculator is designed to summarize and total time for different activities entered into a table.
Time Span Calculator
This online calculator computes how much time is passed between two time points, specified in hours and minutes. But, unlike others, it computes several values - including time span over midnight.
World Time Converter
The calculator displays the current time on your PC, as well as the corresponding UTC time based on the time zone on your PC. Additionally, the user can choose any city and the calculator will display the current time in that city.
Date and number of working days (for Russia)
Calculator calculates the date of the initial date and the number of working days. Taking into account weekends, holidays and weekend shifts at work days, according to the published decrees of the government of the Russian Federation. Created by user's request.
Russian Working Days Calculator
The Working Days Calculator calculates the number of working days between two entered dates, excluding weekends and holidays in accordance with the published decrees of the government of the Russian Federation.